Web Developer

Atanas Kozarev recently completed the Generation Web Development bootcamp and spent over 6 months learning and practicing as a group, using the latest web development technologies such as React, Javascript ES6, and Node

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Earlsdon Cars

A mock car dealership page. Interrogate the current car stock. Uses .Map, .Filter, Objects and Arrow functions. Client side progressive refinement of data.

Repo | Demo

Monitortech ⚡️

A group project to redevelop the homepage of a US based medical education provider. Work included discussing sketches with client, design, creating image catalogue and coding the designs with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Bootstrap. Collaborators are listed on the repo

Repo | Demo

Buzzwords ⚡️

SCRUM AGILE team project. A final project of the Generation Web Development course 2021. Three teams worked together to deliver the Front end, Back end. I was part of the Front end team. Buzzwords is an interactive web game. Single player or multiplayer modes available.

Repo | Demo

Harborne Estate Agents

A simple demonstration of React.js application with a Front End (React/HTML/CSS) and a Back End (Express/Node). Can you find your dream home? Try booking an appointment with Harborne Estate Agents.

A classic Whack-a-mole

A very addictive browser game! Can you beat the high score? This allows us to practice Javascript DOM manipulation and event-handling.

Cornwall Boat Racing

A lightweight browser game, using requestAnimationFrame, Javascript Classes / OOP, and logic to allow 10 boats to race in the 2021 Cornwall boats race. Who will be the winner?!